Sunday, October 11, 2015

We Thought You'd Look There

In blatant terms a movie poster is an advertisement; they take the most memorable and important pieces of a film and form them into something a consumer can easily recall. 

What I'd like to focus on today is how we as consumers read a movie poster. Not just the text, but how we interpret the images and shapes a poster consists of. Our eyes naturally follow the content through its' alignment and structure on the page.  

Poster layout example
As a company whose main goal is to create a lasting image of specific movies for consumers solely through a handful of posters, we are very knowledgeable in this area. We have to (and do) know where you look first in a poster. We position profiles of famous actors and actresses, dramatic scenes, and shocking images where we know they will best reach our target market. 

There are tens of different ways to layout an advertisement - similarly with movie posters.  The most common type of layout used in movie posters is coincidentally tilted "poster layout" or "big picture layout". This layout shows a single, large illustration that dominates the space with minimal text and a logo or signature. It emphasizes importance to the main visual. Simple, yet grabbing.  

The "silhouette layout" is a concept less used in the movie poster industry, but can prove to be just as effective. It deals with all design elements being clustered together to create a recognizable shape, and can be seen by one solid color. This emphasizes the shape of product or in this case movie characters.—

Silhouette layout example
I would love to share with you an example of every possible movie poster layout, but if you are interested in finding more you'll have to stop by our newly introduced Instagram account.  

Breast Cancer Ribbon
Lastly, this month we are starting an exciting project to help raise money for breast cancer awareness. The Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation has reached out to BOS to create a poster for their ongoing fundraising campaign. We are eager to begin this project but need your help.  As Box Office Smash fans and followers we would love for you to submit either a drawing, photo, or graphic design of a breast cancer ribbon. With these images BOS will create a mosaic forming a breast cancer ribbon to feature in the poster campaign. The poster not only has potential to reach thousands of people, but for every ribbon submission we receive, BOS will donate $.50 to the Breast Cancer Awareness foundation. Box Office Smash believes in pink.  We believe tomorrow is another day, and we believe in miracles.  Every submission helps.  If you're interested send your design to


  1. Once again, FANTASTIC work. Just too long. You could have made this a two part series.

  2. Very well done I like how you made it interactive for viewers. Maybe shorten it up a little, some viewers might have a shorter attention span but overall I think it's great!
