Sunday, September 27, 2015

Behind the Scenes

Welcome back, 

This past week I had the opportunity to snap a few photos of our work area here at Box Office Smash. I'm excited to take this post and share with you our culture, and the mood we hope to invoke to each and every one of our employees. 

Every business we partner with brings a new movie with a new mood that has its' own way of being properly conveyed. You may be surprised to find out that our employees are broken up my genre of movie they are best at channeling. Although, we are continuously meeting as a complete BOS team to update each other on our current endeavors, each segment of the company flourishes their creativity in a personalized office. 

In 2012, Box Office Smash partnered with HOMEPOLISH to build each of our top employees their perfect think tank. Please, discover there website as we have - They not only create offices, but will inspire your homes. 

This is where some our best children's film posters have been created.
Of course we cannot provide this creative opportunity to every employee, and at times a group thinks more clearly then a single person.
BOS main
Our main space has allowed Box Office Smash to keep a little of the old, but with a splash of new. Considering our company has been around since the 1980's and is still flourishing this is completely fitting. 

It is vital to BOS, and to our customers that we uphold our original customs and values from which Box Office Smash was founded. But, in order to create the memorable poster campaigns we are know for constant advancement and development is necessary.
BOS main

I hope you have enjoyed a peek behind the scenes at Box Office Smash headquarters - and for those of you who have sent an RSVP for our upcoming open house we shall see you soon.

Don't forget to keep an eye out on our newly added twitter account this week.

Good evening. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the way the pictures are woven right into your posts. The way they move back and forth really pushes me down the page and through the article. If I had to make a critique it would be to go back over the first two paragraphs as they were a little choppy and I had to read over them a few times in order to understand what you were saying. There were a few grammatical and spelling errors as well. Paragraph 1 I believe it should be "invoke in" rather than "invoke to." 3rd paragraph, there vs their.
