Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Box Office Smash: Impressions

Facebook Icon


Considering the option to comment and interact with other users, Facebook gives businesses the opportunity to network and build relationships.

Facebook followers - 5

Engage - Posts that encourage followers to share their thoughts and options
Percentage of engaging, entertaining, and informative
Facebook posts for Box Office Smash

Entertain - Posts that are specific to one's business and would reach followers expectation of a business's social media platform
Twitter Icon

Inform - Posts that update followers on current events, and information
pertaining to their business


Twitter allows businesses to quickly update their followers in 140 characters or less.

Twitter followers - 6
Total tweet impressions - 2,295
Total profile visits - 379
Top tweet -

"Need to pee during a movie? @RunPee can tell you the best time - check our their app! https://t.co/atdj5vrHLX"

Blogger Icon


For my business Blogger was a platform where followers could find any and all information on my business or be navigated to my other social media platforms.

Total page views - 451
Top post - We Thought You'd Look There
Top Audience - United State